
Experience hunt in pirates tides of fortune
Experience hunt in pirates tides of fortune

Theme Naming: All members of the Order have names that start with H.

experience hunt in pirates tides of fortune

Even if you tried for years, you'd never be able to open a chest without the right key. The chests of the Sea of Thieves are locked with iron made from the chains of the first Kraken.

  • Skeleton Key: The Gold Hoarders are in possession of these.
  • The cheapest to be sold to the Gold Hoarders is a Castaway's Chest, while the most expensive is a Captain's Chest.
  • Gold–Silver≬opper Standard: Almost all the treasure in Sea of Thieves follows this standard.
  • Gold Fever: All members of the Gold Hoarders have a lust for gold, or any type of treasure in general.
  • Unsurprisingly a bright gold color makes up the majority of the color scheme, and the figure head is a literal bag of gold!
  • Bling of War: As your reputation with the Gold Hoarders grows you unlock pieces of the Gold Hoarders Set for you ship.
  • Granted, the Gold Hoarders make their coin from the chests and other loot you bring them.
  • Arbitrarily Large Bank Account: The Gold Hoarders, along with the rest of the Trading Companies, never seem to be short of gold to give you.
  • Members of the Gold Hoarders are said to fall under the "Curse of the Gold Hoarder" as their greed grows patches of their skin and their eyes start to turn into gold. The Gold Hoarders are in possession of the keys that are used to unlock the chests found in the Sea, giving a portion of the riches to the pirate(s) who turn in said chests. Founded by the treasure hunter known as Rathbone, the Gold Hoarders seek the treasures found all throughout the Sea to fulfill their ever growing greed.

    experience hunt in pirates tides of fortune

    One of the Trading Companies found in the Sea of Thieves.

    Experience hunt in pirates tides of fortune